Tuesday, February 23, 2010

love those skinnies!

Two more swaps going out - the first "I" for Identity
and the other "5" just for the fun of it.


BlueRidgeLady said...

Love these Susi! Adorable!

Janet Ghio said...

Love the girl with the big bow!!exhie

Clau said...

Both are absolutely wonderful!

Susan - said...

These are great! I also love the mixed media bird box you created - beautiful!

Unknown said...

These are wonderful I espcially love the girl with the bow!

Terri said...

These are wonderful! I am a fan!

Trudy said...

I love them.

I just started An Artistic Mother's Group where we will be going through 12 projects together from Shona Cole's new book The Artistic Mother. Her desire is to help mothers find a to fit art into their every day, even if it's just a little something. I would so love for you to join us. You can read more about it on my blog; and if you're interested in participating, just leave me a comment, and I'll add you to the list.



PS If this is not something you are interested in doing at this time,or even if you are, maybe you could do a little blurb about it for me so that other artsy moms can join. It might be a help to them if they are looking for inspiration and/or an accountability group. We start March 6th, but anyone can jump in at any time. We will spend two weeks on each project. Blog about our progress and link to all of the other participants. Thanks so much for your consideration.

Viola said...

Great skinnies!!! :)

eleni[a pink dreamer] said...

hi! i'm eleni from greece! your collages are fantastic!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Beautiful! Sharp and crisp and inviting and fun. They are just wonderful . . . as always!